JCC Manhattan: From Esther to Emigration: The History and Culture of the Jews of Persia (Iran) – Mar 29, 2016-Apr 19, 2016

jews_persiaSession Schedule: Mar 29, 2016-Apr 19, 2016
1:00PM – 2:30PM
Age Requirements:
# of Sessions: 4
Exception Dates:

Andrée Aelion Brooks
Jews have lived in Iran/Persia since biblical times. Why did they originally go there? Is the Esther (Purim) story that takes place at the royal court in Persia fact or fiction? What about the way they were treated in an ancient world dominated by Persia and Persian culture? What was life like for them over the centuries? Why and when did most of them leave? How about their communities in the U.S. today? Exploring their history, customs, literature, food, and lives— ancient and modern.

Co-sponsored by American Sephardi Federation

Andrée Aelion Brooks is a popular JCC presenter. She is a former contributing columnist and news writer for the New York Times and author of several books on unusual aspects of Jewish history (one of which is in pre-production for a TV mini series). She is also an Associate Fellow, Yale University.

Public Price $120
Member Price $100

*Discounts are applied at checkout.

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  1. Salomón salvador Ramirez Anaya

    Para recibir la historia de los seferdies peruanos del siglo xv e y permitir que me incorpore como cristiano judío espero su atención.

    • Mi bisabuela era judia y quiero también saber sobre la historia de los judíos que llegaron a la selva amazónica de Perú en la época del bum del caucho

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